Monday, January 31, 2022

Tales From the Old New Land - Century 2 - Generation 7 - Real Beginning

So this letter is meant for God and Abel, though I don't know how to send it or if anybody else does. If anybody ever finds this letter, if you can find a way to send this to God I'll be very grateful. 

It's been a little more over 30 years since The Flood. From the way people talk about it you'd think everybody died, but it couldn't have even been one in a hundred who got themselves killed. Maybe if you were closer to the Mediterranean you had more chance of dying, but people here just hiked themselves to the Zagros mountains, and a lot of people whose houses were made of mudbrick just camped out on the roof and fished. 

The Flood wasn't that big an event. ...Oh it was big, but mostly because it made us shelter in place for two years. It was just a pre-echo of the real event that came for us within the flood's cause. 

We thought The Flood focused everything, solved everything, clarified everything, and obliterated from our minds all the trivial drek. The generation before the flood was a generation of partisanship and violence. We were the generation of unity and love. We all experienced the same loss, the same fears, the same meshiggas, the same boredom, the same rage. 

Everybody knew who was at fault. Everybody knew what they had to do. It was right around the flood that everyone had the sense that to make a flood this big, there must be a god so powerful that no other god can be much of a god, and it could only be Ea, the water god. There was even a movement to rename him Y'Ea because he was so willing to use his power. But just about everybody agreed: if one god can really be that powerful, we needed to wage a war on him before he killed the rest of us. 

Sure, not everybody believed this, Ea had a bunch of loud partisans on Earth who were violent and dangerously powerful, but the partisans of the other six gods had an unbeatable coalition. Any system in which the partisans of Ea win is a broken system, and if the system was really this broken, so the only option left was to go up to heaven and fix the system. It was one of those few moments in every lifetime when everybody seems to speak the same language. 

Nobody actually wanted the responsibility of a god, at least not if they thought about it. But they did want the right to be free of him. They fulfilled every commandment of Ea's in good faith, they obeyed every obligation to sacrifice, they prayed to him whenever they were afraid, they talked to him when they were lonely, and only crazy people ever thought he answered. 

As for me? I knew that Ea was just an old wives' tale. I just had a thought that maybe the Holy One BBH didn't think of, that all that kvetching he does about heavenly schpritz was because there's a leak in heaven, so I wanted to go up there to point it out to him. 

I was there as a scribe in Uruk as the leaders of every major city convened: Eridu, Ur, Nippur, Ubaid, Lagash, Elam, Banesh, Kish, Babel, Erech, Accad, Calneh, Farsa, Ansha, Susa, Irsin, Larsa, Keddesh, Megido, Kass, Hurrain, Malatya, Armenia, Kizzuwatna, Luwia, Melid, Carshemesh, Mitanni, Washukani, Qatna, Armenia, Aramea, Cyprus, Hatti, Hattusas, Mycarae, and Ugarit.

Every one of these cities experienced the flood, and it was just large enough that every one of them believed another flood from Ea was imminent. All of these cities, all of these representatives, all of them speaking barely comprehensible dialects to each other, and it took only ten minutes for everyone to agree what needed to be done: 

A tower to heaven. An elite force of soldiers climbs to the top, does battle with Ea and his rain, defeats the water god, redistributes the rain to its proper season, and if possible, allots the rain more justly throughout the seasons so there is no drought. The tower doesn't need to last forever, it just needs to last for as long as it takes to be climbed up and down once with a 20 minute battle in between. 

They even agreed on a place: a flattest part on the Valley of Shinar. Personally, nobody asked me, but I thought that was unnecessarily cautious to build in a valley rather than a mountain. That's ten thousand cubits more of material everybody needs to buy and build. 

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Tales From the Old New Land - Century 2 - Generation 7 - Beginning

So this letter is meant for God and Abel, though I don't know how to send it or if anybody else does. If anybody ever finds this letter, if you can find a way to send this to God I'll be very grateful. 

It's been a little more over 30 years since The Flood. From the way people talk about it you'd think everybody died, but it couldn't have even been one in a hundred who actually got themselves killed. Maybe if you were closer to the Mediterranean you got killed, but people here just hiked themselves to the Zagros mountains, and a lot of people whose houses were made of mudbrick just camped out on the roof and fished. 

The Flood wasn't that big an event. ...Oh it was big, but it mostly because it made us shelter in place for two years. It was just a pre-echo of the real event that came for us within the flood's cause. 

We thought The Flood focused everything, solved everything, clarified everything, and obliterated from our minds all the trivial drek. The generation before the flood was a generation of partisanship and violence. We were the generation of unity and love. 

Saturday, January 29, 2022

I dunno...

 For those who read this 'page', lately has obviously been a tremendously difficult period for black dog. I don't post online about my ups and downs to get people's sympathy, and I even if I've gotten it, I don't trust it. Sympathy easily won is just as easily withdrawn, and I refuse to pretend I haven't had many lapses in my life that would lead to the withdrawal of sympathy from people too quick to give it. However much I've written here, I doubt I've ever given the impression of a person who wants your sympathy, or even deserves it, but if in whatever way I have, my apologies.

Sincerity is a cheap emotion that exists at the surface of people's emotions and beliefs. The quicker a person gives love, the quicker a person withholds it. The real world is as ugly as it is beautiful, and neither state is possible without the other holding up a mirror in relief.
So the reason I write personal things on facebook is... well... near as I can tell there are fiveish reasons:
1. Why do they get any idea in their head? Why do people climb mountains? Why do they masturbate? Because it's there.
2. Because, whatever I write about, I have always felt far more comfortable as words on a page than in real spacetime, where there is always something irrational to worry about. I have only derived any social satisfaction when there was some self-medicating substance in my hand.
3. Many people have commented upon this: one of the great things about the internet is that there is infinite space upon it for everyone to sprawl out a self about which they feel more comfortable than they otherwise would. A month from forty, I still have no idea who I am, but I do know that on the internet, I have no trembling hands, no ticking facial features, no mental states that turn into colossal physical pain, no signs from the outside world for my brain to interpret the future with, and as every mental notion turns into the concrete definition of a page on a screen, every harrowingly obsessive rumination can suddenly be handled. All there is here is the transformation of a colossal mental slit into words, frozen in time and space, where no affliction can longer emiserate the mental state which motivated me to write them.
4. Because self-revelation is not about 'I'm feeling this way.' It's about registering, without hurting other people, the much much harder process of all the ways our mental state transitions between emotions; the 'emotions between the emotions' where happens real thought, nuance, and eventually, a moral code that is both personal, and a way of seeing the universe. If what you think about any given subject can be summed up in a couple sentences, and sadly I think that's true about billions of people, you're not living your most interesting self. If the ways you talk about morality can only be done by appropriating jargon coined by other people, you need to become more yourself. Morality very obviously exists, but none of us has a monopoly on what's right. Not even me.
5. I don't know if these various online screeds are art, and if they're art, they're not good art. But at least they're something to point to, something that says that everything you've undergone is to a purpose and left a testimonial document of what it was like. Hopefully, that makes all this more than yet another mental scar on a mind that somewhat lost control of itself thirty years ago, it's a document that perhaps, one day, could be of some use to somebody.
I would much, MUCH, MUUUUUUUUUUUCH, much rather write about anybody and anything else but me, but these online explosions of semi-narcissism are like diarrheal bowel movements done in moments when the mental wreckage is too radioactive to stay silent. In these moments, you know that writing out what you have to say is a hundred times better a palliative than talking the same few friends over and over again who have more important people to take care of than me. And if you didn't send it, you know that, for whatever reason, you would feel just as pained as if you didn't write it at all.
I don't know exactly for whom I write all this shit. I don't think it's to any one person. I think I address it to the reader(s) I wish I had. And even if I like many of the people in my life very much, perhaps I address it to the sorts of people in my life I wish I had.
The world is a tough place; maybe it isn't for you, but I can pretty much assure you it's tough for others. Most of us end up in places very, very different from the ones we envisioned, and most of those places are not better than what we wished for. Life deposits very few people to the places commensurate with their best talents, and most whom life treats with the dignity they deserve are willfully bad at relating to the difficulties of others. What is left for us but to document the ways life is tough? And document it wherever will have us?
The last place in the world I expected to end up was on facebook, a partially malevolent place that isn't even in the real world. So much of what I believe, what I think, what I encounter, what I love and hate, everything I experience, is here. Not everything of course, but by any traditional moral metric; much, much too much. And yet, where else would ever have me? In retrospect, I'm certainly too crazy and disabled to have ever gotten a normal writing job, and most people in the humanities have to spend so much time marketing and promoting themselves that they barely even work at what they should be doing. I've gotten the privilege so few people have of putting what's really going through my head to paper. I've got things going through it that nobody has ever wanted to hear, and I've never known where else to put them. In a weird way, I'm quite thankful I have no talents but the very few I have, because so many others I know had to sever essential parts of themselves to get noticed at all, whereas I get to write my meandering musings in complete obscurity, and let other people decide what to read after the work gets written.
If you read them, thank you. if you don't, I have a weird and unearned confidence that more people one day will. I'm not even sure readers is something I want, but it's all here, and even if I decided it's a net bad, it would be too hard to delete, you might as well delete eighteen years of your life.
I don't know what 'me' is, but if I'm anything at all, what you see on this page is me. It's here for whoever wants to know.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Toscanini at his best

 So I'm gonna slam Toscanini hard but then I'm going to effusively praise him. If you think you'll take offense, read at your peril...

For those of us who generally dislike Toscanini, the reason is deceptively simple. It's not just that it's all so rigid and drilled, it's that in all that discipline, you can hear the maestro's rage and the orchestra's terror. Toscanini hews closer to the score than 90% of conductors generally do, but he does not follow the score closely enough to justify the grating, hectoring, ugly unpleasantness of so many performances.
But that said, Toscanini has many moments when his better angels overcome him, moreso than other podium tyrants, and clearly had some measure of humanity underneath the baton-breaking arrogance; and his greatness never moreso apparent than in the place for which he was best known and for which we have relatively little record of what he did: the opera pit.
Even Toscanini's live opera recordings were mostly done as concert broadcasts, and that's why the documents of what he did in mid-30s Salzburg are so valuable. Opera conducting is a completely different animal from even concert opera. So many thousands of variables happen at every moment of an opera that no conductor can possibly control their vast majority. In the concert hall, he imposes a vision from which not a single musician may diverge, and that's not a demonstration of his vision, that's a demonstration of his ego. But in the opera pit, you can never do that, you simply have to get on with the business of making the show go on. You make adjustments to singers capabilities in the moment, and everything moves forward before a conductor can put his controlling hands on every variable.
For me, this is why so many of the sargeant-maestri were so much more convincing when we hear them live in the opera house: Toscanini, Reiner Szell, Solti, Leinsdorf... In the chaos of live opera recordings, strict order like theirs is helpful, but in the concert hall or stdio, so great is a conductor's control that they can repress the ability of their musicians to take any joy in their performance.
As well as I'm sure Toscanini knew his orchestral repertoire, he had far more and deeper experience in the opera house. Concert hall dates were an occasional thing he did, but he didn't have a permanent concert hall position until his sixties. Opera was simply the lifeblood of his career, and he knew every corner of standard repertoire in his bones. It's great that we have so much of his Verdi, whether concert or opera form, but we can only wish we had so much more of his repertoire from this conductor who conducted Italian premieres of everything from Wagner's complete Ring (I think...), to Onegin and Boris, to the world premieres of Pagliacci, Fanciulla del West, and Turandot.
Wagner particularly is the corner of the repertoire we need more of - the Met Tristan that supposedly exceeded even Mahler's, the Bayreuth Parsifal whose slowness exceeded Knappertsbusch's, the Lohengrin whose Act I prelude made a larger impression on him than nearly any music on earth.
Short of the 1949 Jochum/Hotter Meistersinger, I wonder if there's ever been a better Meistersinger than this on record. Obviously, the sound is bad, but the feeling of this event comes through - a Meistersinger means something: a last stand in Austria for German culture as something for everyone and not just for Nuremberg rallies. So many cultural luminaries were in the audience from Stefan Zweig to Isaiah Berlin. It means as much as the pre-Anschluss Walter Mahler 9.
Isaiah Berlin would write about going to Salzburg in the 30s, and how at the time, everyone worshipped Toscanini as the world's greatest cultural hero - a liberal who stood up to tyranny and used his immense privilege to speak up for the underdog. Sadly, like many liberals, he was not always inclined to practice what he preached, but he nevertheless has to be celebrated for what he was: perhaps the greatest opera conductor there has ever been, a champion of underdogs and a once progressive promoter of new music (at least circa 1900).
The Toscanini of the 30s is a different conductor than the Toscanini of the 40s and 50s. American mass media had yet to truly exploit his mythos, and he was still regularly conducting the opera repertoire he most had in his guts. This is the Toscanini I try to remember, and for me, the Salzburg operas are perhaps the finest document we have of what his art was like at his obviously titanic best.

Tales From the Old New Land: Century 2 - Generations 1 through 6

Generation 1:

And there went down a mist from their eyes, and watered the whole soul of their faces. 

And men did form their new god from the dust of the ground, and breathed into their nostrils the breath of life, and their god did become a living soul. 

And this lord god commanded men to plant their garden in the new earth, east and west and north and south, and there they put the men whom their God had formed, who in turn was formed by men. 

And out of the ground made men to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food, trees of life in the midst of the garden, and trees of knowledge of good and evil. 

And fresh rivers went out of earth to water the gardens; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. 

The name of the first head is Europe: that is which compasseth the whole land of the north, where there is God and gold,

And that land hoards both well: there is bedazzlement and hearts of onyx. 

And the name of the second river is Africa, the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Egypt to Ethiopia and well beyond. 

And the name of the third is Asia; that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth region is Eurasia, which goeth from the Tigris and Euphrates to Europe. 

And the lord god took the man who invented him, and put man into the gardens of earth to dress it and to keep it. 

And the lord god commanded man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat, for I wast made to bless thee in thy consumption. 

And man did answer: But of the trees of knowledge of good and evil, every day we eatest thereof, and we shall surely die. We do not believe that thou, our god, shall make us immortal. 

And the lord god which man created said, it is not good that man should abide existence alone, I will make myself half-woman to helpmeet his belief in rebirth. 

And the half-woman god did help man to bear the burden in every beast of the field, and every fowl of air, and brought them unto men. And men did determine what they shall be called, and whatsoever men called every living creature was their name thereof, 

But belief in rebirth did make men heedless of death, and men did give other men names akin to all cattle, and did treat other men like every beast of the field, and mock them like the fowl of the air, and for such cattle-trodden men there was no helpmeet. 

And man did cause in god despair, and a deep sleep to fall upon god, and they slept, and man took one of god's ribs, and closed up the flesh thereof. 

And the rib, which Man had taken from Lord God, made God all Man, and brought God unto Men.  

And Men said, God is now bones of my bones, and flesh of my flesh, God shall be called Man, because He was taken from women. 

Therefore God shall abandon our mothers and daughters, who shall cleave unto their husbands, and we and God shall be as one flesh.  

And the nature of Man and His God stood naked, and They were not ashamed. 

Generation 2: 

Now Woman was grieved, and had as much cause as any man made into beast of the field and dream of more subtle things than any beast of the field which Man had dreamed the Lord God did make. 

In longing to possess a God from which she was kept, woman did dream of dragons and demons to overthrow Man's God, And the dragons and demons did say, Yea, hath god said, Woman shall not rule every tree of God's gardens?

And women replied unto the dragons and the demons, We shall not, but we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the gardens. 

But Man hath said, we shall not rule of it, lest we die. 

And the dragons and the demons responded unto women, Ye shall not surely die. 

For God doth know that in the day ye rule thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, doing good and evil as Men doeth solely evil.  

And women did say, We do know good and evil very well, and we wish to be as no god. Man doeth evil all the days of his life for he believeth God is Man. 

And the dragons and demons did reply, ye are already as Gods, for thou becomest great with child, and surely Man knoweth that thou art His one true god. 

And women did respond, If we be as gods, then why be we slaves like the beasts of the field? 

And the dragons and demons did say, Because Man is as demon, and God is as dragon. But thou art as gods. 

And woman did reply, even if Man is as demon, we wish not to slay him, for it is Man's slaying that doth make him demon. 

And the dragons and demons did respond, thou can'st not reason with demons. 

And women did say, then why art thou reasoning with us?

And the dragons and demons did reply, For we knoweth of higher gardens, and if thou eatest of the knowledge of Men, thou shalt as gods, see what men cannot. 

And women did ask, What can we see that men cannot. 

And the dragons and demons did reply, A greater garden, a higher garden from which Men are barred, good for food, and pleasant to the eyes, trees to be desired to make one wise, where no man worketh as beast of the field. Where one taketh the fruit thereof, and doth eat, and give also unto thy husbands with thou, and they do eat, and becometh good. 

And woman did ask, Where is the garden?

And the dragons and demons did respond, An old new land no Man hath seen. It existeth in a space between space where existeth potentials, heavens, antiquities, health, infinity, and justice. 

And women did awaken from their dream. 

Generation 3: 

And women took of the fruit of the trees thereof, and gave also unto her Husband with her, and Man did eat of a greater portion than woman did eat. 

And the eyes of woman were opened, and she sowed leaves of the trees thereof and made aprons, for it was only in her dreams that longings were stretched before her naked. 

And in dreams she heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the gardens in the cool of the night, but Man, knowing she might hear celestial voices as men did, did bar his wife from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden. 

But in dreams, the dragons and demons called upon woman, A God who bars the way to the gardens of the earth is no god. We are the gods, and He is the Demon. When Man is asleep, thou ought walketh in the garden and gaze thine eyes upon all that from which Man barreth.  

And when Man was asleep, woman went into the gardens, and saw the trees, good for food that make men wise, were upon earthly gardens themselves. 

And Man did awaken from his sleep to find woman's absence from His bed. 

And Man went into the gardens in the cool of the night, and woman hid herself from the presence of Man in the trees of the gardens. 

And Man called unto Woman, and said unto her, Where art thou?

And she said, I heard thy voice in the gardens, and I was afraid, for my desire to see the gardens was now naked, and therefore did I clothe myself in the trees. 

And He said, Who told thee to desire the gardens? Hast thou heard the voice of my God, whereof I commanded thee was Mine over yours?

And woman said, A voice did I hear who called to me in dreams, he enticed me of the tree, and I did eat. 

And the Lord Man said unto the woman, And the woman said, The dream beguiled me, and I did eat. 

And unto the woman the Lord Man said, Because thy dreams hast done this, I do name thy dreams demons and dragons as is God's right of Men, and to have dreams art thou cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly be thy work, and my dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:

For this demon hast put enmity between Me and the woman, and between my gardens and my seed, I shall bruise over her head and she shall bruise my heel. 

Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conceptions; in sorrow shalt thou bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and We shall rule over thee. 

And unto God, Man said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the dreams of My wife, and bade her eat of the tree, for which I created thee, saying, Thou shall not give woman thy ear: cursed is the nature of God for Her sake; in sorrow shall we partake of You all the days of our lives. 

The part of You, Lord God, that speaketh to those whom we had not blessed to rule shall dragons and demons be, thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to those to whom we forbid thou to speak, and thou shalt dwell beneath the herb of the field. 

In the sweat of thy fire shalt we eat dread, till we return unto the ground, for out of fire was God made; for fire thou art, and unto fire shalt thou return. 

And Man called woman's dream the Devil, because her dream was the mother of all threats. 

Unto God also and to his wife did the Lord Man make coats of shame, and clothe them. 

And the Lord Man said, Behold, God is as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live on earth:

Therefore the Lord Man sent God forth from the gardens of Man, into the minds from whence he was taken. 

So Man drove out the god from all forms corporeal; and he placed at the east of the gardens of Men priests and prophets, and inflamed swords which turned every way, to keep in the way of the freeing of wife. 

Generation 4: 

    Dear Cain,

The Alpha and Omega writes you in answer. It is true, man created God, but man cannot create anything but from matter that already exists. From the Old New Land, I willed man to create me just as man willed me to create him.

You have questioned me with due cause. I have given favor to Abel. I created you to provoke you, and provoke I did; though for all you know, I moved the hand that slew him. It is not for you to know the ways of Me, nor is it possible you may understand My ways outside the Old New Land's confines, a diaspora in which you shall dwell a very, very long time.   

You, not Adam, are the first true man, and yours is the primal eldest story. The eldest story is not the expulsion from paradise. There is no paradise, there is only the Old New Land, from which man is expelled at birth and to which he shall return within a year of his time in the world of action. Before you were men of seventy-thousand generations, but you and Abel are the first men to read and first to write. I willed your pictographs just as a mere nine-thousand generations ago I willed two brothers like you into speaking a language, or just as, 13.8 billion years ago, I said Let There Be Light. 

Abel developed the pictographs for every word; he created the tableture by which men can will their world a bit closer to the old new world - permanent records by which lessons may be passed and greater things built. His was, self-evidently, the greater achievement, done with greater ingenuity, loftier motives, and purer heart.  Your charge was merely to teach the written tongue to others. 

"Merely." One might think he had the harder job, to invent from the cosmos that which no man had invented. But yours, in fact, was the harder by far. A conjurer who brings things to life which none before may bring happens once every thousand years, but a teacher who may instruct the young without the young using all they're taught to cross purposes, that teacher is one every million. So your sin was not that you failed to teach well enough, your sin is that you taught too well, because the more effective your teaching, the more your teachings will be misunderstood. 

And so for the mission you are charged, you have to understand from now hence; grace and favor is a ladder, and in worlds that have no end, it is no better to find favor than disfavor. With his pictographs, Abel has created a greater exodus of sacred discharge than this world of action has ever known in 4.543 billion years. The inevitable crossviolence that followed killed Abel and so many others as partisans of both sides slaughtered through their killing fields without judgement or mercy. And so great is the gushing diaspora he caused that your world may be out of balance for an eon hence, the foundation experiencing seizmic cycles of creation and destruction for at very least another five-thousand years, and perhaps for another five-billion years hence. 

It was perhaps not even a generation after those to whom you brought the written tongue learned how it may be of use to question the authority of all those I favor. And from those questions grew the hostility of ruled to ruler, and ruler to ruled. Ruled dream dreams of ruling, rulers dream nightmares of being ruled. And yet their dreams are more real than the reality - which is that my favor is bestowed with complete and utter disdain for its efficacy. There is no perfecting imperfection, and in the world of action, the only cause predestined is that all solutions are ineffective. Whenever men learn to view the world anew, they newly awaken to this truth of truths in this world of action and effects: that every set of laws by which men order their lives is false. 

And yet, it is the realization of that lie which bridges your world, the world of action, with the Old New Land - a crown of lucid and luminous primal light with no end, which creates infinitesimal contractions of holy truth from the Old New Land that humans pull down to earth through nanoscopic holy emissions processed into your souls in moments of greatest spiritual tension, and those tiny effluviences light the entire world of action from one era to the next - inspiring millions with their divine wisdom, understanding, love, and foundations. These divine secretions are what grow civilizations, build empires, and create memorials to their work that may last for eons, and not memorials to my glory, but to their own! But worlds are as easy to destroy as they are difficult to build, and all those who make dreams of building a reality must destroy the dreams of others. 

Therefore, the eldest story is yours, not your father's: the story of favor and disfavor. The hero is Abel, but it is your story to write. Those chosen for favor will fall from it, and the longer they stay to favor, the longer the ignominy to follow. They shall fall to states far lower and longer than than even the states Cain will ever know. Whole societies will feel only greatness in their veins for a thousand years, and then feel only humiliation for a thousand years thereafter. But among individuals in every time and of every place, there will be a vast society of billions whose favor always somewhat fluctuates; yet even within this society of yo-yo-ing billions, there will be a very small creed, a chosen few flitting across favor's ladder, down and up all days of their lives without rest - and in seeing the world of action from all vantages of fortune, they shall be living witnesses to all my creation. For all the states to which humanity shall be subject; from splendor and glory to execration and astonishment, they shall be my chroniclers, my progenitors, the Tree of Life's doctors and lawyers and accountants and middlemen, the leavening of many a society's rise and unwitting hangers blamed for accelerating a fall - and yes, occasionally even the fall's unwitting cause; the very instability of their position shall be a weather gauge. As My Kingdom's eternal guests, their well treatment betokens a society deserving of rise, their ill treatment bespeaking a civilization deserving fall. 

Each of these chosen ones can only see my creation within the span of a a single body in a single lifetime. No one pair of eyes may transmute the millions of views which a great multitude can register, passing knowledge from generation to generation through books, laws and custom, each perceiving the same events differently, the spiritual tension between each person's disagreement coalescing into intangible experience - every experience a new leaf on a tree planted in the garden of life. Therefore none of them may have the vantage point of Cain, the original teacher. 

The original sin is neither murder nor sex. The world's natural state is precisely those two states in tandem. The original sin is teaching - for in the world of action, all teachings are only partially correct, and from every teaching's fraction of untruth grows new leaves upon the tree of sin. 

And within that original sin creates the myth of your parents, Adam and Eve, the lost paradise and expulsion thereof. There was no paradise from which they were expelled. They were thrown out of Eden Hotel because your father got food for your mother from the buffet after paying for only one. 

There is no far off time or land with paradise to lose, there is only the belief that it is so; there is only the effort to bring paradise upon earth and infernal acrimony it causes. The more you work, the more you wait,  the more liberal minds think things are better off elsewhere, and the more conservative minds think things used to be better here. The only reason that would be true is because their efforts had made the world so. 

You think of yourself as the radical, Cain, but the liberal yearning for amenities in far off lands was Abel, and the conservative longing for way things used to be, Cain, that was you. The keeper of sheep is the dreamer waiting amid all time for new possibilities, the tiller of ground is a man without idle hands who knows only work. One man has no mind for dreams, one man no mind for reality, but every man who understands one necessarily misunderstands the other, and any apprehension they have for both dream and reality in all its dimensions is but a tiny effluvium from the Old New Land, apprehended for an instant before its disappearance. Dreams are real and reality is a dream, but only in the Old New Land are both the same. 

So when it came time to decide who would get the most favor conferred, what the fuck did you expect? In a hundred-fifty-thousand years of songs in praise unto me, only Abel wrote his down. And what did you do with Abel's pictographs? You told the truth, you taught hundreds of people how to write Abel's language down, who taught thousands, who then taught their tens of thousands. And then you, Cain, a wealthy son of the Land of Nod, wrote down all the abuses of power to which your father's business collaborated and your mother indulged, and you then wonder how Abel was the beloved martyr and you were the outcast? 

You were right, of course you were right. And as always, I suppose I could have intervened. But what's the point of me trying to control the world when everybody ends up in the same place? I made the rules of the world so long ago. The longer the world operates of its own accord, the longer people have the freedom to plot their own course of action, the less I can be held accountable for how they develop. 

Therefore Cain, did you really think that by documenting all of Nod's abuses of nature's fruit that you would end them? Did you not think that your father and all his allies would not fight you with everything? 

You just wanted justice, your father just wanted the status quo, and Abel just wanted peace between you. Whenever implacable forces face each other, the inevitable result is the martyrdom of the innocent and naive. The only way men realize the price of their iniquity is by hearing the blood of those you love crying from the ground. 

So now you feel cursed from the earth and that your punishment's greater than you can bear, and of course in many senses, you're absolutely right. Putting you directly into this position was precisely the point of your life.  Of course it's wrong that you're now blamed for the death of your brother, so naive that he stood directly between an angry mob inflamed by your incriminating scribblings and your father's mercenary army paid by a wealthy man to kill. Perhaps a man like Abel wasn't a better soul than you at all; a better man than he taketh credit for all his good deeds, so much idealism is just narcissism and self-regard,. I suppose now that he's here, I could just ask him, but now we have all eternity to get to the bottom of your story....

Because your story only beginneth now. You Cain, are the first teacher, the first rabbi, and in all world history, none after you can have your perspective of continuity from the moment of first learning and erudition unto the very last, and therefore, you shall be the most cursed man on earth, and in your curse, the most blessed. A fugitive and a vagabond shall you be, and it shall come to pass that everyone that findeth you shall slay you. 

You, Cain, most marked of men, shall be the eternal wanderer. Slain in life after life, creator of widows, father of race after race of downtrodden and fatherless peoples, awaiting in age to age the Old New Land's coming to the World of Action. In years to come, you shall have so many names: Cartaphilius, Ahasver, Matathias, Buttadeus, Isaac Laquedem, Paul Marrane, Simple Gimpel, Bontshe the Silent, Shoemaker of Jerusalem... but mostly you will be known as, quite simply, The Wandering Jew. Never mind what a Jew is, you'll know soon enough.  

History must have living witnesses, but from the beginning of recorded time, one man must be chosen for stenographer, the Old New Land's correspondent who keeps the time from era to era. He who computeth all that means to be human in the creation of the One Most High. He who is hero, villain, protagonist, antagonist, celebrated and slaughtered, humiliated and glorified; so venerated that he inspires an infinity of imitations, yet so reviled his potential for infiltration inspires terror. He who laughs at martyrs yet is the most martyred man of all. He whose severed head's inventions will raise the lives of men thousands of times, he whose crucified limbs will build whole societies, he whose flayed skin provides the scroll from which billions read, he whose burning body will light the world, he whose gassed lungs chant the creeds of the earth. 

For your every death, you shall be avenged sevenfold, and verily, you shall ever be your brother's keeper. 

Your god of justice and mercy who punishes because he loves you, now and forever,


Generation 5: 

   Every day, my father warned me of the dangers of the demonic fluid. It is drink which unleashes all of man's evil and eliminates the barrier from beast. It is drink which eliminates health and happiness. Drink is danger, drink is trauma, drink is obscenity and humiliation, blasphemy in the eyes of God and excrement in the windows of memory. Drink is serenity's eternal expenditure: instants of bliss for an eternity of inner violence. 

Trauma is the intrusion of another soul that claims a new section of of the mind every day, intrusion doubling upon intrusion, exhibiting ever more masterfully that he, not you, is the part of your mind that thinks. 

Perhaps this other soul is a devil or dybbuk, perhaps he's simply another person who deliberately lodged part of himself within you, or perhaps he's another person burdened with his own dybbuk. But whomever he is, he, not you, masters the mind, and you become a spectator within your own consciousness. With every hour he determines more of your decisions, and with every new decision he makes for you, you wonder ever more if he was you all along.   

For centuries, father barely touched drink. He knew of its ecstasies and torments as well as any man, but he saw what drink made him, and what drink made others, and its humiliations were repugnant. It caused a whole earth on which man has neither self nor divinity, but only sense - pleasures to drown our pain, other people's pain to drown us in pleasure, a whole earth of trauma absorbed and trauma inflicted where man uses his divinity to inflict all the worse. And so where the rest of Earth was wine, the House of Noah was water, kept fresh and pure in wells we cleaned every day along with blessings to a spirited drink in a second, smaller well. A spirit of the drink whose name we never pronounced, and perhaps we never knew. For an hundred years of our lives, Ham, Japeth and I knew no drink but water. 

All the while, as the temperature warmed and the Earth became fire and rain, Father communed with his holy spirit of the drink. Every day as he had for hundreds of years, he pulled a bowl from the well tied to a string, put a finger in the drink, touched its holy spirit to his lips, and threw the bowl back. Every day he spoke with the spirit of the drink, and the Drink spoke back. For seven hours every day Father walked around the well, speaking questions and answers, and the pool told him all creation, of its trees and crowns, of its spheres visible and hidden, and the Spirit of the Drink made Father the wisest of men. 

The spirit told Father to build an ark and gather every living thing that creepeth upon the earth, for the spirit was wroth with the world and would flood it. The water would cleanse the world, who'd begin anew in a second Eden where would live none but the House of Noah's righteous offspring. 

And the Spirit was right, for lo, the earth became drink; not drink still and clear, but torrential and murderous, until all the world was again without form and void. Then the sea level rose, and rose, and rose, until the planet itself rose up and murdered its unworthy caretakers, and all the Earth was but one large ocean, stewed in the iniquities of its trillions of drowned beings and glazed with salt to parch any survivors. And within three days, all remaining life lodged within an ark of 300 cubits.

The invisible spirit told us of the flood, he told Father to build the ark, precisely how, and with what, and how large, and how many animals to gather, but he gave us no extra ration of fresh water. All we had was the water within our well, which when drawn out must be fermented ere it turn to undrinkable slime. So there was only barley fermentation, and wine, and animals, and obscenity. There was not even water for children. 

And yet the first thing we brought aboard the ark was Father's pool of drink, of which he made us carry pitcher by pitcher to a pool of stone he'd constructed without assistance.

Upon the ark it was only us and the wine. Father told us we had no extra rations of drink for the animals, but to allow ourselves twelve times an eleven month supply for four families - we asked why, he did not say. Surely father knew what was to come better than we.

It began not with agony but with joy and camaraderie - days of merry work followed fine nights of wine and song. Then lying with our wives in tents on the Ark's four opposite corners. The children would fall serenely asleep after dinner, and so torpid they never wandered. The House of Noah used our wealth to buy all the crops of nearby families to feed the ark's animals, and once aboard we pickled them within buckets of salt water procured from the outside deluge. 

Father had always been serene, but he was quiet and cryptic, and often warned us of what sort of different man he was before encountering the holy Spirit. He took to the wine immediately, and his serene self turned upside down to the most dreadful moroseness. None saw him eat, and he said not a word even as he fed the animals. Yet while Father submerged into drink, our work seemed as play. 

But at the cusp of manhood, no drink could torpor Canaan. In less than one year he'd have taken to wife, but what wife lived to take him? 

The noises began with the sheep of course, and then the goats, and then the dogs and cows, and then to the larger animals, and the smaller, until we wondered if there was an unsullied animal among the 16,000 on the ark. An animal would exclaim that peculiar scream, always the same in every species, and we knew what Canaan was doing, particularly because he would return every morning with terrible bruises and scratches. But what did it matter if we all were so besotted with drink? The world was ending, boys will be boys, the animals were drunk too, and were we to believe Father, the House of Noah was the one family in the world who did not enjoy the company of livestock. 

The loneliness of the ark eventually grieved our wives, and we too found it oppressive. As the drink increased, the revelries decreased. Never again would we see anyone but ourselves, and that realization necessitated more drink. Every simple disagreement felt like a second deluge, which also necessitated more drink. Whenever the rain's humidity caused a sniffle, we feared the mortality outdoors would spread inside, which necessitated still more drink. And whenever an animal fell ill, which was often, we were great with labor to minister them, which necessitated the most drink of all. 

All the while, father had built a new cage, and a large one. We wondered if there was a flying animal we'd forgotten. Father would not say. 

Days grew to weeks, memory blurred day into day, until eventually there were no memories except the wailing of our wives as dawned on them a world of loss, and the raging mischief of our children now tolerant to alcohol bored into our heads, which necessitated still more drink. Raven after dove after raven we sent to find evidence of land; but there was only drink, until finally a dove emerged with an olive branch. The Lord had spared us, and thus could we survivors multiply in a new era of righteousness and favor and grace. 

But the very next day, great human cries awoke us to find Ham murdered, and Canaan locked in Father's cage.

"Canaan! What have you done?" 

Here follows the tortuous dialogue between father and grandson:

"I have done nothing! Ham was murdered by you Grandfather!"

"The Holy Spirit warned me something awful would happen, but surely it would be less than this! Murder or defilement among kin is what I expected. For crimes as these the Spirit has flooded the world. We would punish such offenders justly, but what has occurred is so much worse!"

"Why have you murdered my father?"

"Your father tried to kill me before I laid my curse on you!" 

"Why would you curse me?"

"Look at the chalky substance within the drink! The imagination of man's heart is evil from its youth! Canaan has gazed upon my spirit's nakedness and spilled his seed into it! He has raped the holy spirit of the Earth! We shall never rebuild Eden! The whole flood has been for nothing! Humanity now shall continue just as it has!" 

"But I did not...."

"Cursed be you Canaan! A curse you were upon Ham and upon this ark, and cursed you shall be upon dry land! A servant of servants shall ye be unto your bretheren! A blessing shall this Holy Spirit of mine be to Shem and Japeth, but the your house Canaan shall be a servant to the servants of Shem and Japeth all the days of their li..."

"Grandfather, that was milk." 


"It WAS milk."

"Did Grandfather really think fermentation and salt would keep a kingdom of animals alive for a whole year?"

"It is not for you to question what the spirit in the drink tells me."

"There is no spirit in the drink."


"If it's a spirit, then the spirit told you what your mind already saw."

"Indeed, the spirit tells me the world is fornication and wickedness. Just like y..."

"No, grandfather, the world was already flooding, the spirit only told you what you knew." 

"We do not see but with the eyes of our spirit!"

"No, our spirit sees with our eyes." 

"Profanity! You deserve to be cursed all over again."

"Curses mean nothing."

"You dare doubt my curse?"

"I doubt there's any point to us living now when everybody else is dead."

"Your sacrilege is ignominy upon the entire House of Noah! Is it not enough that you desecrate every animal aboard the ark night by ni...?" 


"You have done evil enough. Do not dishonor us further in the ark of the Holy Spir...."  

"I curse you too Grandfather."

"Abominable blasphemer! May you be known through all eterni..."

"May you endure your remaining centuries knowing nothing of life but this stupid spirit of the drink or whatever you call that liquid shit." 

"Outrageous infide...!"

"May your bullshit visions of the Eden we lost haunt all your days and creep all your nights. May you forever see in me your only impediment to paradise."

Noah immediately charged at Canaan to strike him down but was prevented by the cage he built himself. He reached for the key to the cage, but Canaan pulled Noah's key out of his own tunic. 

"While you all spent your nights in a drunken stupor I was milking all the mammal females and feeding it to their children. I even fed the milk to your grandchildren and great-grandchildren and told them not to tell anyone, because children will never survive on just the alcohol you've spent your whole lifetime warning us against and then made us live on. Shem, do you really think Arphaxad could survive the whole first year of his life on nothing but alcoholic breastmilk?" 

Clearly in grief, Noah reached for his sword with a clear intention to fall on himself. But Canaan from out his tunic produced Noah's sword as well. 

"How can you be given power of life and death? You murdered your own son because I drank some water from the pool and didn't wipe a little milk off my cheek!"

A great cry went up from Noah. 

"My father is now dead because his own father slew him, and you think the outside world was the iniquitous place? Fuck you!"

Noah exhaled a still greater moan.

"We have no idea why the world flooded, but you all kept saying that the world was getting warmer every year of my childhood. Maybe it was from all those fires people light to worship their gods." 

Noah began to cry in earnest.

"And if the world was just a place of people killing and raping each other, maybe it's because worshiping all those drinking and smoking spirits were what made them that way. Grandfather Noah is the same as all of them!"

The wailing and crying grew entwined. 

"And yes, when we were still on land I jerked off in the holy spirit dozens of times, but the whole ark is alive because of me. Me, not your crappy god. I hate the drink and everything it makes you all do. I hate the fact that we're still alive and everybody else is dead, and if there is a spirit who did this, I hate him more than anyone and I curse him forever."

"Execration! Astonishment! Reproach! We spit you out of the House of Noah for eternity!" 

"I was planning to run away from this pathetic house for years. Now I've got a whole new world I can start on my own!" 

Generation 6:

We never saw Canaan again. Within two days he'd run away with Japeth's granddaughter Arsal. I've had half a millennium to think about that last horrible day on the Ark. There were details on which Canaan was clearly wrong: the animals were nearly as drink-soaked as we the people and so would be their milk. Doubtless he was wrong about other things too, but it's hard not to wonder if Canaan's arguments were far more correct than Father's. 

Perhaps there are no spirits and the earth contains nothing but water, fire and air. Yet why did Father know to build the Ark? And why did we, out of all the world, survive when no one else did? Did the Drink's holy spirit know what was to come? And even if the drink has no spirit, did our belief in the Drink enable our survival when everyone else died? Even were there no drink to choose us for its terrific knowledge, could believing in the Spirit of the Drink make us survive through hardships no one else can or would? 

I had seen enough of the old world to know that Father may have been right: drink may well be the cause for all the terrors which made the world fit for destruction, so many terrors of which Father must have seen. Yet by abstaining from drink, did Father recreate all the terrors from which he meant to free his children? Had he simply curtailed his intake to mere moderation, no spirit would speak to him, and he would not have known to build the ark. But is the House of Noah lucky for surviving when all other civilizations die, or are we cursed? 

We have no way of knowing what became of Canaan and Arsal. Were there truly no people on Earth but us, how would they survive without knowledge of where to find arable land or animals? They have cut themselves off utterly from their roots and all advantages therein. Were one of them to die, the other would be entirely alone on this planet, with no way of knowing whither their family.  As current head of the House of Noah, surely I would have welcomed them to return, but how could we ever locate each other? 

Canaan and Arsal went alone into the world with no spirit to guide them and nothing to summon their willpower but a hot planet of death who washes away all things for no reason. How could they possibly summon will to life in the face of such indifference? Perhaps love of each other or children will give them succor, or perhaps they find sustenance in a vision of a more just world. Perhaps Canaan sees the world more clearly than his grandfather, and perhaps that clarity can build a better world, but surely he will commit errors as well, and when he does, what spirit will be there to comfort him? 

If Canaan and Arsal are still alive, they will one day die without belief in an eternal spirit to claim their reward. Can humans truly sustain themselves in a world where all things are flesh and dust, and even if they can, will they one day anger a spirit to the point of causing another flood? 

Tales From the Old New Land - Century 2 - Generation 4

    Dear Cain,

The Alpha and Omega writes you in answer. It is true, man created God, but man cannot create anything but from matter that already exists. From the Old New Land, I willed man to create me just as man willed me to create him.

You have questioned me with due cause. I have given favor to Abel. I created you to provoke you, and provoke I did; though for all you know, I moved the hand that slew him. It is not for you to know the ways of Me, nor is it possible you may understand My ways outside the Old New Land's confines, a diaspora in which you shall dwell a very, very long time.   

You, not Adam, are the first true man, and yours is the primal eldest story. The eldest story is not the expulsion from paradise. There is no paradise, there is only the Old New Land, from which man is expelled at birth and to which he shall return within a year of his time in the world of action. Before you were men of seventy-thousand generations, but you and Abel are the first men to read and first to write. I willed your pictographs just as a mere nine-thousand generations ago I willed two brothers like you into speaking a language, or just as, 13.8 billion years ago, I said Let There Be Light. 

Abel developed the pictographs for every word; he created the tableture by which men can will their world a bit closer to the old new world - permanent records by which lessons may be passed and greater things built. His was, self-evidently, the greater achievement, done with greater ingenuity, loftier motives, and purer heart.  Your charge was merely to teach the written tongue to others. 

But about that "Merely."... Yes, it's a trick, and if you thought you'd get the easier job, you'll be far from the last to fall for it. One might think Cain had the harder job, to invent from the cosmos that which no man had invented. But yours, in fact, was the harder by far. A conjurer who brings things to life which none before may bring happens once every thousand years, but a teacher who may instruct the young without the young using all they're taught to cross purposes, that teacher is one every million. So your sin was not that you failed to teach well enough, your sin is that you taught too well, because the more effective your teaching, the more your teachings will be misunderstood. 

And so for the mission you are charged, you have to understand from now hence; grace and favor is a ladder, and in worlds that have no end, it is no better to find favor than disfavor. With his pictographs, Abel has created a greater exodus of sacred discharge than this world of action has ever known in 4.543 billion years. The inevitable crossviolence that followed killed Abel and so many others as partisans of both sides slaughtered through their killing fields without judgement or mercy. And so great is the gushing diaspora he caused that your world may be out of balance for an eon hence, the foundation experiencing seizmic cycles of creation and destruction for at very least another five-thousand years, and perhaps for another five-billion years hence. 

It was perhaps not even a generation after those to whom you brought the written tongue learned how it may be of use to question the authority of all those I favor. And from those questions grew the hostility of ruled to ruler, and ruler to ruled. Ruled dream dreams of ruling, rulers dream nightmares of being ruled. And yet their dreams are more real than the reality - which is that my favor is bestowed with complete and utter disdain for its efficacy. There is no perfecting imperfection, and in the world of action, the only cause predestined is that all solutions are ineffective. Whenever men learn to view the world anew, they newly awaken to this truth of truths in this world of action and effects: that every set of laws by which men order their lives is false. 

And yet, it is the realization of that lie which bridges your world, the world of action, with the Old New Land - a crown of lucid and luminous primal light with no end, which creates infinitesimal contractions of holy truth from the Old New Land that humans pull down to earth through nanoscopic holy emissions processed into your souls in moments of greatest spiritual tension, and those tiny effluviences light the entire world of action from one era to the next - inspiring millions with their divine wisdom, understanding, love, and foundations. These divine secretions are what grow civilizations, build empires, and create memorials to their work that may last for eons, and not memorials to my glory, but to their own! But worlds are as easy to destroy as they are difficult to build, and all those who make dreams of building a reality must destroy the dreams of others. 

Therefore, the eldest story is yours, not your father's: the story of favor and disfavor. The hero is Abel, but it is your story to write. Those chosen for favor will fall from it, and the longer they stay to favor, the longer the ignominy to follow. They shall fall to states far lower and longer than than even the states Cain will ever know. Whole societies will feel only greatness in their veins for a thousand years, and then feel only humiliation for a thousand years thereafter. But among individuals in every time and of every place, there will be a vast society of billions whose favor always somewhat fluctuates; yet even within this society of yo-yo-ing billions, there will be a very small creed, a chosen few flitting across favor's ladder, down and up all days of their lives without rest - and in seeing the world of action from all vantages of fortune, they shall be living witnesses to all my creation. For all the states to which humanity shall be subject; from splendor and glory to execration and astonishment, they shall be my chroniclers, my progenitors, the Tree of Life's doctors and lawyers and accountants and middlemen, the leavening of many a society's rise and unwitting hangers blamed for accelerating a fall - and yes, occasionally even the fall's unwitting cause; the very instability of their position shall be a weather gauge. As My Kingdom's eternal guests, their well treatment betokens a society deserving of rise, their ill treatment bespeaking a civilization deserving fall. 

Each of these chosen ones can only see my creation within the span of a a single body in a single lifetime. No one pair of eyes may transmute the millions of views which a great multitude can register, passing knowledge from generation to generation through books, laws and custom, each perceiving the same events differently, the spiritual tension between each person's disagreement coalescing into intangible experience - every experience a new leaf on a tree planted in the garden of life. Therefore none of them may have the vantage point of Cain, the original teacher. 

The original sin is neither murder nor sex. The world's natural state is precisely those two states in tandem. The original sin is teaching - for in the world of action, all teachings are only partially correct, and from every teaching's fraction of untruth grows new leaves upon the tree of sin. 

And within that original sin creates the myth of your parents, Adam and Eve, the lost paradise and expulsion thereof. There was no paradise from which they were expelled. They were thrown out of Eden Hotel because your father got food for your mother from the buffet after paying for only one. 

There is no far off time or land with paradise to lose, there is only the belief that it is so; there is only the effort to bring paradise upon earth and infernal acrimony it causes. The more you work, the more you wait,  the more liberal minds think things are better off elsewhere, and the more conservative minds think things used to be better here. The only reason that would be true is because their efforts had made the world so. 

You think of yourself as the radical, Cain, but the liberal yearning for amenities in far off lands was Abel, and the conservative longing for way things used to be, Cain, that was you. The keeper of sheep is the dreamer waiting amid all time for new possibilities, the tiller of ground is a man without idle hands who knows only work. One man has no mind for dreams, one man no mind for reality, but every man who understands one necessarily misunderstands the other, and any apprehension they have for both dream and reality in all its dimensions is but a tiny effluvium from the Old New Land, apprehended for an instant before its disappearance. Dreams are real and reality is a dream, but only in the Old New Land are both the same. 

So when it came time to decide who would get the most favor conferred, what the fuck did you expect? In a hundred-fifty-thousand years of songs in praise unto me, only Abel wrote his down. And what did you do with Abel's pictographs? You told the truth, you taught hundreds of people how to write Abel's language down, who taught thousands, who then taught their tens of thousands. And then you, Cain, a wealthy son of the Land of Nod, wrote down all the abuses of power to which your father's business collaborated and your mother indulged, and you then wonder how Abel was the beloved martyr and you were the outcast? 

You were right, of course you were right. And as always, I suppose I could have intervened. But what's the point of me trying to control the world when everybody ends up in the same place? I made the rules of the world so long ago. The longer the world operates of its own accord, the longer people have the freedom to plot their own course of action, the less I can be held accountable for how they develop. 

Therefore Cain, did you really think that by documenting all of Nod's abuses of nature's fruit that you would end them? Did you not think that your father and all his allies would not fight you with everything? 

You just wanted justice, your father just wanted the status quo, and Abel just wanted peace between you. Whenever implacable forces face each other, the inevitable result is the martyrdom of the innocent and naive. The only way men realize the price of their iniquity is by hearing the blood of those you love crying from the ground. 

So now you feel cursed from the earth and that your punishment's greater than you can bear, and of course in many senses, you're absolutely right. Putting you directly into this position was precisely the point of your life.  Of course it's wrong that you're now blamed for the death of your brother, so naive that he stood directly between an angry mob inflamed by your incriminating scribblings and your father's mercenary army paid by a wealthy man to kill. Perhaps a man like Abel wasn't a better soul than you at all; a better man than he taketh credit for all his good deeds, so much idealism is just narcissism and self-regard,. I suppose now that he's here, I could just ask him, but now we have all eternity to get to the bottom of your story....

Because your story only beginneth now. You Cain, are the first teacher, the first rabbi, and in all world history, none after you can have your perspective of continuity from the moment of first learning and erudition unto the very last, and therefore, you shall be the most cursed man on earth, and in your curse, the most blessed. A fugitive and a vagabond shall you be, and it shall come to pass that everyone that findeth you shall slay you. 

You, Cain, most marked of men, shall be the eternal wanderer. Slain in life after life, creator of widows, father of race after race of downtrodden and fatherless peoples, awaiting in age to age the Old New Land's coming to the World of Action. In years to come, you shall have so many names: Cartaphilius, Ahasver, Matathias, Buttadeus, Isaac Laquedem, Paul Marrane, Simple Gimpel, Bontshe the Silent, Shoemaker of Jerusalem... but mostly you will be known as, quite simply, The Wandering Jew. Never mind what a Jew is, you'll know soon enough.  

History must have living witnesses, but from the beginning of recorded time, one man must be chosen for stenographer, the Old New Land's correspondent who keeps the time from era to era. He who computeth all that means to be human in the creation of the One Most High. He who is hero, villain, protagonist, antagonist, celebrated and slaughtered, humiliated and glorified; so venerated that he inspires an infinity of imitations, yet so reviled his potential for infiltration inspires terror. He who laughs at martyrs yet is the most martyred man of all. He whose severed head's inventions will raise the lives of men thousands of times, he whose crucified limbs will build whole societies, he whose flayed skin provides the scroll from which billions read, he whose burning body will light the world, he whose gassed lungs chant the creeds of the earth. 

For your every death, you shall be avenged sevenfold, and verily, you shall ever be your brother's keeper. 

Your god of justice and mercy who punishes because he loves you, now and forever,


Thursday, January 27, 2022

Tales From the Old New Land - Century 2 - Generation 4 - 87%

   Dear Cain,

The Alpha and Omega writes you in answer. It is true, man created God, but man cannot create anything but from matter that already exists. From the Old New Land, I willed man to create me just as man willed me to create him.

You have questioned me with due cause. I have given favor to Abel. I created you to provoke you, and provoke I did; though for all you know, I moved the hand that slew him. It is not for you to know the ways of Me, nor is it possible you may understand My ways outside the Old New Land's confines, a diaspora in which you shall dwell a very, very long time.   

You, not Adam, are the first true man, and yours is the primal eldest story. The eldest story is not the expulsion from paradise. There is no paradise, there is only the Old New Land, from which man is expelled at birth and to which he shall return within a year of his time in the world of action. Before you were men of seventy-thousand generations, but you and Abel are the first men to read and first to write. I willed your pictographs just as a mere nine-thousand generations ago I willed two brothers like you into speaking a language, or just as, 13.8 billion years ago, I said Let There Be Light. 

Abel developed the pictographs for every word; he created the tableture by which men can will their world a bit closer to the old new world - permanent records by which lessons may be passed and greater things built. His was, self-evidently, the greater achievement, done with greater ingenuity, loftier motives, and purer heart.  Your charge was merely to teach the written tongue to others. 

"Merely." One might think he had the harder job, to invent from the cosmos that which no man had invented. But yours, in fact, was the harder by far. A conjurer who brings things to life which none before may bring happens once every thousand years, but a teacher who may instruct the young without the young using all they're taught to cross purposes, that teacher is one every million. So your sin was not that you failed to teach well enough, your sin is that you taught too well, because the more effective your teaching, the more your teachings will be misunderstood. 

And so for the mission you are charged, you have to understand from now hence; grace and favor is a ladder, and in worlds that have no end, it is no better to find favor than disfavor. With his pictographs, Abel has created a greater exodus of sacred discharge than this world of action has ever known in 4.543 billion years. The inevitable crossviolence that followed killed Abel and so many others as partisans of both sides slaughtered through their killing fields without judgement or mercy. And so great is the gushing diaspora he caused that your world may be out of balance for an eon hence, the foundation experiencing seizmic cycles of creation and destruction for at very least another five-thousand years, and perhaps for another five-billion years hence. 

It was perhaps not even a generation after those to whom you brought the written tongue learned how it may be of use to question the authority of all those I favor. And from those questions grew the hostility of ruled to ruler, and ruler to ruled. Ruled dream dreams of ruling, rulers dream nightmares of being ruled. And yet their dreams are more real than the reality - which is that my favor is bestowed with complete and utter disdain for its efficacy. There is no perfecting imperfection, and in the world of action, the only cause predestined is that all solutions are ineffective. Whenever men learn to view the world anew, they newly awaken to this truth of truths in this world of action and effects: that every set of laws by which men order their lives is false. 

And yet, it is the realization of that lie which bridges your world, the world of action, with the Old New Land - a crown of lucid and luminous primal light with no end, which creates infinitesimal contractions of holy truth from the Old New Land that humans pull down to earth through nanoscopic holy emissions processed into your souls in moments of greatest spiritual tension, and those tiny effluviences light the entire world of action from one era to the next - inspiring millions with their divine wisdom, understanding, love, and foundations. These divine secretions are what grow civilizations, build empires, and create memorials to their work that may last for eons, and not memorials to my glory, but to their own! But worlds are as easy to destroy as they are difficult to build, and all those who make dreams of building a reality must destroy the dreams of others. 

Therefore, the eldest story is yours, not your father's: the story of favor and disfavor. The hero is Abel, but it is your story to write. Those chosen for favor will fall from it, and the longer they stay to favor, the longer the ignominy to follow. They shall fall to states far lower and longer than than even the states Cain will ever know. Whole societies will feel only greatness in their veins for a thousand years, and then feel only humiliation for a thousand years thereafter. But among individuals in every time and of every place, there will be a vast society of billions whose favor always somewhat fluctuates; yet even within this society of yo-yo-ing billions, there will be a very small creed, a chosen few flitting across favor's ladder, down and up all days of their lives without rest - and in seeing the world of action from all vantages of fortune, they shall be living witnesses to all my creation. For all the states to which humanity shall be subject; from splendor and glory to execration and astonishment, they shall be my chroniclers, my progenitors, the Tree of Life's doctors and lawyers and accountants and middlemen, the leavening of many a society's rise and unwitting hangers blamed for accelerating a fall - and yes, occasionally even the fall's unwitting cause; the very instability of their position shall be a weather gauge. As My Kingdom's eternal guests, their well treatment betokens a society deserving of rise, their ill treatment bespeaking a civilization deserving fall. 

Each of these chosen ones can only see my creation within the span of a a single body in a single lifetime. No one pair of eyes may transmute the millions of views which a great multitude can register, passing knowledge from generation to generation through books, laws and custom, each perceiving the same events differently, the spiritual tension between each person's disagreement coalescing into intangible experience - every experience a new leaf on a tree planted in the garden of life. Therefore none of them may have the vantage point of Cain, the original teacher. 

The original sin is neither murder nor sex. The world's natural state is precisely those two states in tandem. The original sin is teaching - for in the world of action, all teachings are only partially correct, and from every teaching's fraction of untruth grows new leaves upon the tree of sin. 

And within that original sin creates the myth of your parents, Adam and Eve, the lost paradise and expulsion thereof. There was no paradise from which they were expelled. They were thrown out of Eden Hotel because your father got food for your mother from the buffet after paying for only one. 

There is no far off time or land with paradise to lose, there is only the belief that it is so; there is only the effort to bring paradise upon earth and infernal acrimony it causes. The more you work, the more you wait,  the more liberal minds think things are better off elsewhere, and the more conservative minds think things used to be better here. The only reason that would be true is because their efforts had made the world so. 

You think of yourself as the radical, Cain, but the liberal yearning for amenities in far off lands was Abel, and the conservative longing for way things used to be, Cain, that was you. The keeper of sheep is the dreamer waiting amid all time for new possibilities, the tiller of ground is a man without idle hands who knows only work. One man has no mind for dreams, one man no mind for reality, but every man who understands one necessarily misunderstands the other, dreams are real and reality is a dream, but only in the Old New Land are both the same. 

So when it came time to decide who would get the most favor conferred, what the fuck did you expect? In a hundred-fifty-thousand years of songs in praise unto me, only Abel wrote his down. And what did you do with Abel's pictographs? You told the truth, you taught hundreds of people how to write Abel's language down, who taught thousands, who then taught their tens of thousands. And then you, Cain, a wealthy son of the Land of Nod, wrote down all the abuses of power to which your father's business collaborated and your mother indulged, and you then wonder how Abel was the beloved martyr and you were the outcast? 

You were right, of course you were right. And as always, I suppose I could have intervened. But what's the point of me trying to control the world when everybody ends up in the same place? I made the rules of the world so long ago. The longer the world operates of its own accord, the longer people have the freedom to plot their own course of action, the less I can be held accountable for how they develop. 

Therefore Cain, did you really think that by documenting all of Nod's abuses of nature's fruit that you would end them? Did you not think that your father and all his allies would not fight you with everything? 

You just wanted justice, your father just wanted the status quo, and Abel just wanted peace between you. Whenever implacable forces face each other, the inevitable result is the martyrdom of the innocent and naive. The only way men realize the price of their iniquity is by hearing the blood of those you love crying from the ground. 

So now you feel cursed from the earth and that your punishment's greater than you can bear, and of course in many senses, you're absolutely right. Putting you directly into this position was precisely the point of your life.  Of course it's wrong that you're now blamed for the death of your brother, so naive that he stood directly between an angry mob inflamed by your incriminating scribblings and your father's mercenary army paid by a wealthy man to kill. Perhaps a man like Abel wasn't a better soul than you at all. So much idealism is just narcissism and self-regard. And I suppose now that he's here, I could just ask him, but now we have all eternity to get to the bottom of your story....

Because your story only beginneth now. You Cain, are the first teacher, the first rabbi, and in all world history, none after you can have your perspective of continuity from the moment of first learning and erudition unto the very last.