Wednesday, June 30, 2021

British Columbia

Brief Comment (because I can't help myself, I need to get back offline, and I clearly still suffer under the delusion that people care what I think):
There was a lot of news today. Some of it was terrible, some of it deserves schadenfreude, but the biggest and worst piece of news is that British Columbia recorded a temperature of 121 degrees Fahrenheit. BRITISH COLUMBIA!!! In Canada! 233 people have died of heat exhaustion so far, the total will probably go much further.
Global Warming will be exactly as terrible as we feared. If British Columbia can go up to 121 degrees, how far past 150 can the equator go? How many people and animals can we save if we start right now? How many will die if we all wait?
There's no such thing as a life without existence being threatened. Life is tragic and we do the best we can to be there for all those we love and get them through it, but the attention economy exists. This is the issue that threatens us all, priority 1 for the entire world, and where we have to focus all our energy. Everyone we love is threatened by it. Nothing else will be solved until we figure this out, and if we don't, the 20th century will be considered a blessed century compared to what will happen in the 21st.

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