Friday, May 22, 2020

Tales From the Old New Land - Bereshit - Very Beginning Outline


Gad works for a Jewish farmer who beats him
Reuven works as servant for a butcher, steals the silverware, and lies about it. 
Yosef goes to goyisher teacher to learn other subjects. Is ostracized by his brothers.
Dina is getting an abortion performed
Levi is schizophrenic who sees demons and angels, 
Dan is an illui who must dodge advances from his Rabbi. 
Judah longs for a beautiful teenaged girl, but her family is moving to Israel.
Zebulun is seeing a prostitute
Issachar works for farm supplier, is accused of cheating goyisher client. 
Naftali practices and drinks with Klezmorim 
Shimon is bullied by goyim
Asher fights back from goyim

A world of nature and magic, both spiritual and godly, but also erotic and pagan.

Some kids learning about science and literature and history on the sly. 

Overwhelming poverty around the family. Everyone is cold in the winter.

Some visiting prostitutes, some lusting after teenage yeshiva girls. 

Background animal noises, noises of hooves and wagon wheels, rustling of wind and leaves. 

An enormous, and extremely argumentative family - two thousand years of tension should be manifest in this family portrait. 

Thirteen separate family portraits of each of the children, none more than three or at most four minutes, each story must assign salient characteristics to the characters.

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