Friday, October 30, 2020

When Facebook Becomes Blogging

Just in case it's not clear, I fucking loathe the Corbynistas so very very much and they deserve every bit of the daily vitriol they give. Just now I couldn't take it on twitter when an ex-friend was complaining that a Jew was scared because it sounded like he was inciting people to violence against her, she literally thought he said something along the lines of that someone should throw acid in her face, and he said he was planning on suing her for saying that he said that. I only knew because another person I followed retweeted him. The truth is, I'm sure he didn't say that or if he did he was being hyperbolic and catty, and god knows I can't hold hyperbole and snark against people. But I'm also utterly positive he believes many Jews deserve it. There's only so many times you can advocate for advocates of violence before people start to believe you. The two morals are, 1. stay off of twitter, 2. ideology can warp the best people into the worst.

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