Monday, September 5, 2022

I Don't Get Edwin Fischer

 I just don't get Edwin Fischer. Everybody talks about the sublimity and inwardness of his playing. In Bach, I hear it. Everything else sounds just pompous and bombastic to me. Geb mir Kempff, Kempff understand what beauty is and finds it in completely ordinary ways, without fancy schmancy rubatos that make silences and long held pedals into something deafening. Kempff and his school is like Chekhov or George Eliot, Fischer and his school is like Milton, one type internalizes the profundity and creates luminous spirituality purely by seeming ordinary, one never lets you forget his depth of thought. Geb mir Schnabel, everything that in Fischer is just Sublime with a capital S in Schnabel is profound while still being fun and ironic. Schnabel and his school is Cervantes or Shakespeare or Pushkin. Every human expression is there. Schnabel finds surprises at every turn, but it's as though his mind is too curious. Fischer sounds like he needs recognition for every profundity he does, but with Schnabel, by the time you register the extraordinariness of what he does in one passage he's well onto the next.

Keep his Bach though... goyim gonna goy.

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