Tuesday, November 14, 2023

A very brief thing about the Rally for Israel Tomorrow: Day 38

I wanted to write at length tonight about my guilt for not going to tomorrow's Rally for Israel. I have a medical appointment, or at least that's why I tell myself I'm not going, but my feelings on it are much too heavy and complicated to rub too raw. Maybe I'll feel differently and write about it tomorrow, but what it comes down to is that I know in my bones that even if this protest is successful, evil people will exploit it for authoritarian purposes.
And yet...
When I heard that 100,000 people were at the Rally for Palestine, and there are only 100,000 expected at the Rally for Israel, my blood chilled. It doesn't matter that the Palestine rally was on a Sunday and ours is on a Tuesday, what will go out to the US is the first evidence the country ever gave that the Palestine side of this argument cares just as much as we do. If they care just as much, they will get just as many votes, and its only a matter of a few years before we officially lose one of the US's two political parties. Probably for generations.
What does the pro-Palestine side think will happen if they make Israel friendless?

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