Saturday, December 23, 2023

So Long as Bibi Stays...

 Today Iran threatened to cut off the Mediterranean Sea at the Strait of Gibralter. I don't know how Iran would get over there and they could be stopped in a hundred different ways for a hundred different reasons, but the fundamental fact of Bibi's presence remains the same regardless:

Everyone is in danger. Not just Gaza, not just Israel, the world. So long as Bibi stays, we have an actor in place willing to risk a world war rather than give up power, even an actor in place willing to use a world war to his advantage.
Until the deaths get close to 100,000, I don't pay much attention to the outrages of world conflicts. 20,000, if that's the real number, is still below average for the median worldwide crisis. The fact that it's happened in 2 1/2 months, that's pretty remarkable, but so long as the crisis soon moves into the next phase, it would be just another world crisis, without much to remark on except for the incredible amount of attention it engenders while crises that get next to none rage far more lethally.
But so long as Bibi is in power, this crisis will not end, and if it goes on for a year with the same policy, the death toll, if Gaza's Health Ministry tells the whole truth (doubtful), may go to 90,000. THAT is remarkable, and that is an infamy Israel would do extraordinarily well to avoid.
I may be the only person in the world who sees it, but Bibi has arched for a dictator's unlimited power his whole time in office, and is looking for any way to get it. Hamas handed him a golden ticket.
When Hamas would like to kill a million Jews or many more, we have no choice but to support this would be dictator as we tacitly do dozens of others across the world. This is simply a fact of foreign policy everywhere, but that does not change that Israel is in the gravest peril of becoming the dictatorship the world suspects they already were. Should Israel get there, does Israel become the threat to world peace the world pretends Israel has always been?

Where then must we lend our support?

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