Wednesday, January 10, 2024

A Brief Comment on Major Depression

 Fifteen years ago or so I used to cast aspersions on people who posted their dirty laundry publicly, and was proud that I kept mine relatively private and at least I didn't vomit it all over social media, then the person I judged harshly became me. I don't doubt many people judge in the same way as I did even now.

Please understand, I know there's something to be valued in stoicism, but people stopped being the strong and silent type for a reason. It's because it was killing millions of people before their time. They turned to alcohol and cigarettes to carry a burden and it took decades off their lifespans. That was me in my twenties.

When Robin Williams killed himself, I realized that no matter how funny you are, you might be doomed if you keep the fight private (note: I don't see myself as doomed, just quite unfortunate). So I came forward as having suffered from disgustingly severe depression for decades. Many diagnoses were bandied about for it, but none have truly given it a name. Whatever else I am, it is as much me as it is not truly me. And maybe if I come forward, I can help myself as much as I can help others avoid experiences like mine.
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