Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Remarks of Shammai to the Essenes - Outline - Slightly Rewritten

(It would apear that rather than a speech, Shammai's speech is merely a collection of small notes. - RW)

 Be sure to thank the Essenes profusely for their hospitality and discretion. Make sure they know you know the risk they're taking by hiding us. 

1. For years, I mistrusted you, but even during the period I viewed you as opponents, Hillel pointed out to me the enormous similarities in our beliefs.

1A. In Hashem's clarity of vision.

1B. In the belief in strict observance of Torah, Shabbos and Purity.  

1C. That virtue is rewarded and sin punished.

2. Talk about Herod's evil, and the failure to contain Herod due to the absence of backbone straight opposition - make the implication clear that it's Hillel's weakness that made Herod possible. 

2A. Remind them of their complicity by staying in the desert and not opposing Herod actively.

3. We can, however, agree that rulers like Herod rise up because our people's lack of stringent observance in our laws allows them.

4. The State of Israel belongs to us, Essene as well as Pharisee, and those who exist upon our land must submit to our rule or face consequence. 

5. The light of the world is Hashem. We men are the darkness who constantly must aspire to live in a luminous path Hashem lays for us. Stray from the path and we remain in darkness. 

6. We have tried so much passive resistance, all for nothing. Tyrants like Herod can only be resisted through violent opposition.  

6A. Acknowledge that this belief is repugnant to the Essenes but like all of Israel they must be made to face the truth. 

7. Our reputation in the world as murderers is not because our people are murderous but because our people are weak. Every civilization arose because they killed those who opposed them. If we simply did what other peoples have long always done, our existence would be taken for granted. 

8. We know the Divine Will. We need only follow it closely enough and we shall prosper. 

9. G-d is testing us, waiting for us to show strength in the face of opposition and inertia to demonstrate ourselves worthy of His greatness. 

10. There is nothing obscure about what Hashem wants from us. There is no hidden truth. Everything about what Hashem wants has been made clear in the Torah. 

Thank them again. 

Burn paper after speech. 

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