Monday, December 14, 2020

Who Should Have Been Person of the Year

Since Time got it wrong again, here's a list I made for myself a little while back of every person who should have been Person of the Year back to 1984. My original list goes all the way back to 1914 but I still haven't figured out the years between 1930 and 1983.
Updated to now be a full list from 1914 through 2020:
1914: Gavrilo Princip
1915: Enver Pasha
1916: Douglas Haig
1917: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
1918: Georges Clemenceau
1919: Woodrow Wilson
1920: Pancho Villa
1921: Michael Collins
1922: Walter Rathenau
1923: Benito Mussolini
1924: Kamal Ataturk
1925: John Scopes
1926: Henry Ford
1927: Herbert Hoover
1928: Alexander Fleming
1929: Andrew Mellon
1930: Mahatma Gandhi
1931: Lord Irwin
1932: Franz von Papen
1933: Franklin Roosevelt
1934: Adolph Hitler
1935: Hallie Selassie
1936: Wallis Simpson
1937: Hideki Tojo
1938: Francisco Franco
1939: Chiang Kai-Shek
1940: Winston Churchill
1941: Joseph Stalin
1942: Georgy Zhukov
1943: George S. Patton
1944: Dwight Eisenhower
1945: Harry Truman
1946: Clement Atlee
1947: Jawaharlal Nehru
1948: George S. Marshall
1949: Mao Zedong
1950: Kim il-Sung
1951: Mohammad Mossadegh
1952: David Ben Gurion
1953: Jonas Salk
1954: Ho Chi Minh
1955: Emmett Till
1956: Imre Nagy
1957: Thurgood Marshall
1958: Abane Ramdane (posthumous)
1959: Fidel Castro
1960: Patrice Lumumba
1961: Martin Luther King
1962: John XXIII
1963: John Kennedy
1964: Nikita Khrushchev
1965: Lyndon Johnson
1966: Charles de Gaulle
1967: Robert McNamera
1968: Alexander Dubcek
1969: Neil Armstrong
1970: Richard Nixon
1971: Sheik Mujib
1972: Henry Kissinger
1973: Leonid Brezhnev
1974: King Faisal
1975: Yassir Arafat
1976: Pol Pot
1977: Anwar Sadat
1978: Deng Xiaoping
1979: Ayatollah Khomeni
1980: Robert Mugabe
1981: Lech Walesa
1982: Margaret Thatcher
1983: Stanislav Petrov
1984: Ronald Reagan
1985: C. Everett Koop
1986: Mikhail Gorbachev
1987: Robert Bork
1988: Benazir Bhutto
1989: Harald Jäger
1990: Vaclav Havel
1991: George Bush
1992: Bill Clinton
1993: Shimon Peres
1994: Nelson Mandela
1995: Newt Gingrich
1996: Jean-Bertrand Aristide
1997: Tony Blair
1998: Matt Drudge
1999: Bill Gates
2000: Dick Cheney
2001: Osama bin-Laden
2002: George W. Bush
2003: Donald Rumsfeld
2004: Karl Rove
2005: Ariel Sharon
2006: Francis Collins
2007: Steve Jobs
2008: Barack Obama
2009: Neda Agha-Soltan
2010: Julian Assange
2011: Mohamad Bouazizi
2012: Wayne LaPierre
2013: Bashar al-Assad
2014: Michael Brown
2015: Nigel Farage
2016: Donald Trump
2017: Tarana Burke
2018: Xi Xinping
2019: Vladimir Putin (person of the fifth-century)
2020: Anthony Fauci

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