Dear Boychik,
I think it was me, Asher, Naftali, and Z'vulun, maybe it was Reuven not Z'vulun but who gives a drek..., We were 'Deh Kharlap Khaleryehs' and we came to the cemetary to smoke papiros, trink vodka und zubrowka; literally tsu pisch und dreck away the tags, to shpring und shrey. We'd tzurikommt six times a week for more than five years to lean on the headstones of all the Bransker Rebbes. No macher ever saw us, Jew or shaygets. Who had time during arbet? Even if they did, no Yiddisher kop would ever go outside their own house to show they had gornisht besser tzu do during a weekday.
It was still early morning but we all were shikkured and either Reuven or Z'vulun was pisching on the headstone of the old Bransker Rebbe, Rabbi Khayim Schkop..... Asher was offended, "Don't fucking pisch on the Rebbe!" We knew we shouldn't have been surprised but we were stunned that Z'vulun broke off from crowding around the latest Yiddish paper which Tateh hasn't even seen yet, looking at this kadkokhes in France. We were all couldn't believe what we were seeing. I remember some of what we all said: "Look at the schmattes on this amoretz! This guy's as Jewish as the shtupping Pope!" "Look at the stripes on his fucking hoot! And what the shtup is that mustache? "How can a Yid who dresses like that not be guilty?" "And what's with all the fucking knepls on his shirt? What color is that even?" "It's, you won't believe this... Yosef told me.... The French uniform is red, white, and blue!" "Reyt, weiss, und bleu? How the fuck do the zelners go to the feld without the other soldiers knowing where to shoot them a hectare away?!" "Even a feinschmeker like this guy wouldn't walk into a barber and say 'MAKE THE MUSTACHE LOOK LIKE THE HAIR OVER MY PUTZ!" "Seriously, why the fuck do all these alte trombeniks give a dreck about some French faygaleh?"
We didn't realize we were watched, it never seemed that way before: "And who's the faygaleh here?" "Tak, we know what that word means!" Less than twenty meters away, right next to the cemetery's wooden fence; it was six Polish boys, I remember all their names because we spent our lives trying to avoid them: three of the Kowalski brothers, whose father Yakub Kowalski was known through all the shtetls nearby as 'der Yid merderer', along with Franczisek Nowak, Filip Wiśniewski, and Aleksander Wojcik. The shortest of these schloggers was a foot hecher than any of us. "Look at these dupeks! Laughing sie na cemetery!" "Smoking papieros too!" "They probably think że sa special cuz they can read!" "Well even if they're smieching sie na cemetery they still look as stupid as every other Zhid."
Jan Kowalski unzipped his fly and started to pisch on Rebbe Chaim Schkop's headstone. Asher got offended again and started "Oh don't siki..." but stopped himself. Every Yid knew fluent Polish in the old country.... "Don't siki on what?" asked Szimon Kowalski.... So Asher said "Never mind..."
Jan shrekked "GIVE ME THE NEWSPAPER!" Jan dropped the newspaper and pished on the picture of Reb Dreyfus. "So what were you zhids reading about?" "They were probably learning more magic spells!"
Shimon always had a schlekhter temper and shrayed "Nie don't know any magic spells." I warned him right away not to say any more. Kowalski said to him "Look at these letters!" and shoved the pisch-filled newspaper into Shimon's face. Szimon Kowalski piped up "This is probably the newspaper where you learn the magicznych spells that killed our baby sister." "Tak." Jan resumes. "We hear all about your family. A rodzina where all the kids live to być adults? That's fucking black magia!" The other Kowalski chimes in next "You're probably here so nobody can hear your plans to poison our blyading wells!" Shimon's meshuggeneh temper couldn't hold it any longer. "Well maybe if your kind cleaned their shtupping wells once in a while your kid siostra wouldn't get sick and die!"
Everything went as silent as deh Rebbe. "What are you saying? That you fucking mordecas of Christ had the secret to not getting chory this whole time and you've been keeping it from us?" I shouted to him "Shimon zey shtil!" but he couldn't help himself: "Go back to your shtupping Boyars and Priests! They knew it this whole time and kept it from you to keep you stupid!"
"Are you calling our Holy Fathers liars?"
"They're fucking thieves and rapists and merderers!" At the same moment, Naftali and Zvulun bolted away. Nowak and Wiśniewski grabbed ahold of Shimon from either side and Shimon shouted "Asher, helf mikh!" But I hesitated for a few seconds. One of the Kowalskis said "Well Asher, are you going to help yo...?" I was over the fence and already run so far away I didn't even hear the end of the sentence, I.
Five minutes later, the Polacks left him for dead, or that was what Shimon told me. He definitely had scars and cigarette burns on his face after that for the rest of his life.
I spent the next couple of hours weeping, thinking I was responsible for Shimon's merder. Ikh hat tzu do something about it. Shimon dying might have been the start of other Yids getting killed, even andere Kharlaps, and I could have stopped it or at least shown them they have a reason to be scared. I was an idyot, I honestly getrakhed that if I avenged Shimon, it would stop the violence not make it worse. So I went to our yard, got a meser, went to the Kowalski house and hid in the bushes. I waited all day. Nobody kummed aheym. I knew Mameh was in labor and we'd have a L'Chaim that night, but if Shimon was dead, it's not like it would be much of a Simcheh anyway.
I was no match for Jan Kowalski and eventually it occurred to me that the Kowalski boys would probably come home together. Eventually, by fimf a-zeyger, Mameh Kowalski, Anna, came home. She was the only person in the house and soon other people would be home. She must have been drei-hunderd pounds and six feet hekh, she might have been pregnant for all I remember. I came up behind her, grabbed her mouth from behind and stabbed her in the stomach at least seven times. She screamed but she never saw me or turned around, I heard tschooking noises and I swear she was shreking 'ZHID! ZHID! as she choked on her blut. I ran out of the house, ran into the woods and cried some more. Alz mein clothes hat blut everywhere, my hents, my arms and legs, even my pawnim. I didn't even try to wash it off. I just went back to my mishpoche's house to tell them everything, but when I got there, half my briders had blood on them, the other half had bruises and scars.
This story is so over the top boychik that I can't imagine it's even partially true. Your greycer-oncle Asher was barely a hundred pounds and meshuggeh as meshuggeh gets (and in case you haven't realized by now, so is your entire mishpocha except obviously your Zaydie, though your Bubbie and uncles would dispute that), so if the freu was six feet tall and three hundred pounds she could have tzubrokhen him in half. But whatever happened it was definitely a bad day for the Kharlaps for all kinds of reasons.
This is where we have to talk about the real meshuggener, my Uncle Levi. I never met my uncle Levi, we have no idea if he died in Treblinka, or if the Nazis shot him in Bransk or Wysockie or Bialystok, I somehow doubt he killed himself, but they should have stuck him in the meshugoyim hoys on that day, butd instead of getting any kind of care, he became meshuggeh frum, had something like eleven kinder of his own, and instead of leyning Torah he wrote and wrote and wrote. Nobody's been able to get through all of the bukhs and bukhs of bopkes he wrote, but somehow a good half oder mer got saved and was brought over here from the Old Country and other cousins you won't ever meet have taken a look at them and sent me some of the parts they find interesting.
So just read what he has to say here about that day before Erev Rosh Hashana:
...Reuven and I were working for a Shokhet and were shovelling hey or the shokhet's prize lamb which he was saving for the Bransker Rebbe to eat in the Sukkah. We were low on salt and if it wasn't fresh nobody could eat it. My father, Reb Yaakov, with his money from Uncle Ezra, was paying for the lamb which he meant as a peace offering to Rebbe Zilbershteyn.
I was telling Reuven about my dreams again, because like Tateh, I knew I was being visited by angels. Reuven was a praktisher mensch. He told me I was fertummelt and that I was falling for my own schvindle. "But you don't farshtey how real they are! They have to be real they're as real as you right here!" How else would he believe me? "Are they emesdikker real or are they falshen real?" So finally I had to concede "It's not faktish the way you and I are, it's like you can see them completely but you can also see through them." "So your mind is falling for its own schvindle?" "Feh! It's not a schvindle!" "What do you know from schvindles?" "I know what these malakhim tell me!" "And what do they tell?" "You obviously wouldn't believe them." "No I wouldn't, but I want to hear them anyway." "That this will be the Great Age of our people. That we will all be destroyed, and then we will all be saved." "You mean like Moshiach coming?" "I don't know... they haven't said. I just know that we're about to live through the most important time in thousands of years." "FEH!" "That's what they said!" I told him so again and again. "Levi I'm getting worried, has anyone ever told you you have a Lokhen Kop?" "You asked so I'm telling you!" "Just don't you dare tell Tateh this! You used to be such a mensch but you're getting really tschunde. If he knew this it would break his heart."
Now here's di zakh boychik. I completely think that 75% of this is a total forgery. Maybe it was your cousin Solomon who was a schlemazl academic in New York who some amoretz machers now take seriously because of these journals, and maybe his oyshteller son Levi keeps making new ones because now he's making serious gelt off this schvindl. You're gonna find out about this diary eventually, and it's a big part of your mishpokheh's history even if it's all drek. So I have to make you understand any of this diary, you need to understand that Levi apparently predicted a lot of the events of the 20th century that he had no way of knowing, and the only explanation that makes sense is that Solomon Charlap made a lot of this bubbemeicehs up. So here's what 'Levi' had to say about next about what happened that day. This part is at least believable.
The shokhet's wife came out of the house to schrek at us to stop kibbitzing and get back tzu arbet. "You're schreking so much I can hear it from the bodroom, i you worked more you'd get angry less, it'll set you free!" (that last part I think was a farshtunkiner foreshadowing Doctor Solomon put in to sell more copies.)
Reuven went inside, and I innocently went about my next job of plaking one or two chickens from the hindl coop for the shokhet to kill for his letste minit orders before Rosh Hashana. The chickens began to talk to me, and the klaks sounded like Toyreh. "Shalkheni ki alah hashakhar!" Literally what the Angel says to Yaakov when they wrestle. Eyn chicken said it, then a sekunde, then a drit, and finally a giant khor of chickens speaking Hebrew.
The prize lamb spoke directly to me. "Levi! I am the sheep of our fathers! The sheep of Avel offered to Hashem before Kayin killed his brider, the sheep of Avraham he offered in place of Yitzhak! The yikhus of my bloodline was used on the slave doors of Mitzraim before the Malakh haMaves took the ersht gebeym sons of the Egyptians. My ancestors were present at the death of Shmuyel and were given to the Melech Yisroel by Mischa the Moabite. Hear me Levi! I must die immediately. There is so little time to explain, but a fault in how we say the khawkham harazim brakha means that as many as 600,00 Jews will soon die if you do not kill me right now. Terrible things will soon happen to the world, and if you do not act, a calamity will befall the entire Yiddisheh people!"
"Hurry! It may already be too late!"
I faniked and immediately slit the throat of the lamb. I was covered in blood.
Here is what Levi said about what happened to Reuven simultaneously. It's of course possible it was on any day while they were working there, but honestly it doesn't matter.
I never really noticed but Reuven could never stop thinking about all the things in Reb Lazar's heus. All the samovars, the trays, the Shabbos candlesticks, the glassens for vayn, the menoyrehs, the fantazye china. It was all tchachkes tzu mir, but 'Geb a kuk Levi! Gelt, zilber, brass, portselain, even marble!' He eventually made his way to the badrum, where he found diments, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, jade, amethyst... they were all kleyntshik, and who knows if they were factish or schvindl? But it drove Reuven meshuggeh. I told Reuven not to go in, he'd just make himself krank und treurik, but he went day after tag to kuk and putz around, talking to Freu Blitzer about dos nitshik und vos. One day he comes home with one zilber likht, then he comes heym mit di andere. Vos kentsu ton with a person who flyes to danger? One misfortune is too few for a mensch like that. Ikh hob geret tzu him, you don't know the trouble gekomming. But vernings meant gornisht to him. Eventually, you just have to let him suffer and remember.
Then the Shabbos lichts weren't enough for him. Then came the trays, then the zilber forks und messers. And eventually, he just had to go for the menoyrah. Okhn vey... And of course, Freu Blitzer knew di gantze tzeit.
"Vos tustu?"
"I was just looking at the Menoyreh."
"Zikher you are! Don't you remember? I promised it as a gift!"
Freu Blitz was zextsik yar alt, she walked with a stoop, had a shnoz like a witch, and sometimes her skirt didn't bahalt that she had what modern meditsin call varicose veins. She unbuttoned Reuven's gartl, got on her knis, took Reuven with her moyl, and within five minutes, Lazar Blitzer got back from shul and shlogged both Reuven and Freu Blitzer unconscious with the menoyreh.
So yeah.... that's a family story, and a believable one. That's the kind of mishpocha you come from, so mistomeh you shouldn't read this until after your Bar Mitzvah.
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