Thursday, August 5, 2021

"I wear your scorn with a badge of honor"

Here is an unedited transcript from a music group I frequent by a clearly well-adjusted man who is in no way a danger to his coworkers named Vanja Ljubibratić. I'm thinking I should also get the contact info of the various academic and performing organizations he belongs to so they're aware of what an easygoing colleague they have on staff whose emotional outbursts would be, I'm sure, an absolute joy for his colleagues to deal with.


Vanja Ljubibratić
"when we hear Wagner, we hear Wagner we hear trashy melodrama with intellectual pretensions toward philosophical ideas that the composer clearly doesn't understand."
This is the epitome of pretentiousness! I can't stand your posts due to their masturbatory, insufferable-know-it-all, and self-righteous qualities. Ever since we argued about Marin Alsop in Baltimore, you've been utterly unpalatable to me. Furthermore, you've disliked Wagner and made your disdain for conductors such as Knappertsbusch and pieces such as Parsifal very explicit, but what you wrote above is such utter trash that I can't possibly refrain from putting you in your place for daring to write something so blatantly ignorant and arrogant. There's a veritable Mt. Everest of musicological literature that expounds upon Wagner's extraordinary grasp of philosophy and application of it in his dramas. Why don't you try reading some books before you so epically lodge your foot in your mouth and save yourself the shameful embarrassment? Your constant name-dropping in this group instills a deep sense of cringe, and it's utterly inexplicable why you choose to write about composers you neither enjoy nor understand. Don't listen to Wagner, and certainly don't write about his music. The world would mathematically be a better place if you do at least that much.
Evan Tucker
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Evan Tucker
This is so amazing.
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Evan Tucker
I'm putting this on my business cards.
Evan Tucker
Seriously though. Only Wagnerites make things this personal. It's almost as though his music encourages people to act like religious fanatics who want to burn heretics.
I esteem Wagner as a composer very much, but if you'd like a serious discussion about Nietzsche conta Wagner or Twilight of the Idols, or Schopenhauer's World as Will or Representation, and how Wagner represented one and the oher represented Wagner, I'm all for it.
But I doubt you can, because like a fourth-rate conductor, all you can do is hurl insults rather than discuss the why behind the music.
Vanja Ljubibratić
Evan Tucker you're not educated enough to understand Schopenhauer, otherwise you'd know central and and representational it is to the Tristan narrative.
Plus, you work as some sort of insurance salesman for your brother's business when I googled you pathetic job listing, so you're clearly not even a musician. You're just a poor, pathetic little narcissist with a Napoleon complex who's in love with the sound of his own voice. Your pandering in this group is truly disgusting, and you are the epitome of the talentless loser who has no real original or even remotely interesting ideas. You're just Baltimore trash, and I know your type from when I attended Peabody. Get a life, man. I'm done with you.
Evan Tucker
So I'm a composer and a writer who's been performed and published plenty, but even if I'd never been, I've worked goddamn hard at both and I'm more than just a property manager. If I don't make my living at music or literature, can you blame anybody for thinking that they'd have better lives if they didn't pursue music as their primary vocation? And if I've become a little pretentious over time, well... I miss my contact with what I love and I engorge myself with it in any way I can.
As for Baltimore trash (what the hell does that even mean?), for whatever little it's worth, I'm very proud of my origins, however humble, and my family ended up in Baltimore because my holocaust survivor grandparents fled places like the countries where a name like Vanja Ljubibratić would be from.
I don't know what it is about Wagner, but if you want a textbook example of how dangerous Wagner can be, look no further than here. For 150 years, Wagnerism has been a religion that turns insecure people into balls of anger that can easily be convinced to do violent acts. If a person can act as dehumanizingly as this person just did, how quickly can they become violent too?
Vanja Ljubibratić
Evan Tucker your misbegotten pride literally made me laugh! My comments to you do not reflect my position as a Wagnerian, which is a feeble accusation on your part. I said them based on what years of observing your character across music forums has led me to believe is an objective appraisal of your narcissism. You’re also a bully who generalizes, like what you said about Italians being touchy regarding your previous comments about Muti. You don’t seem to understand that you get under people’s skin by the sheer nature of your antagonistic and shameful personality. This is on you. And you’ve got it coming too.
You have no discernible skills and will garner no legacy with your so-called music and publications. Every trace of your existence will be consigned to the trash bin of time, and it cannot come soon enough. I pity you tremendously. You’re sad and mediocre.
Evan Tucker
Vanja Ljubibratić Tell me, sir. What do you think of Jews?
Vanja Ljubibratić
Evan Tucker admirable attempt at deflection, but the bullseye is firmly planted on you and your and massive ego. I suggest you take my words to heart because, once again, they objectively reflect your glaring shortcomings as a human being. I know you’re incapable of personal growth and improvement, being the narcissist that you are, but it’s still worth pointing out and reiterating because you clearly piss a lot of people off with your arrogance. The hilarious part is that you have zero credibility or clout in any of the gospel-like things you spew constantly 😂 you’re punching above your weight class, man. Just go be a property manager and recede into obscurity. Seriously. You serve no purpose. Other than currently being a comic relief, but it’s late here and I’ve had my fill of pulling the curtain back on your insufferableness. I’m sure all of this will be great fodder for your blog, though. People like you usually have one. Perhaps that’s where you “publish” too.
Evan Tucker
Vanja Ljubibratić Yes indeed. And it's all going on there along with your name.

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