Friday, August 20, 2021

Why I Oppose The Withdrawal

So here's what bothers me about the Afghanistan withdrawal. It would be justifiable if it's a decent political move, but even by the standards of conducting American policy realistically, this is such colossally terrible political strategy - even if I'm the only person who sees it, I know what I see. It is literally giving the Republicans all the ammunition they need in 2024. This is not Benghazi (BENGHAZI!!!!!!!!!!!... sorry...), this is about to be real case of mass murder and possibly genocide/democide, that will probably lead to a civil war that dwarfs whatever happened during our involvement. Republicans will use it to trump a false charge of mass neglect, and the world will hemorrhage footage of these grisly murders just like in Rwanda, and Republicans will manipulate it to seem as though Democrats, not they, are the real threat to world peace. Meanwhile, what was previously unthinkable has happened: Iran and the Taliban have now achieved an alliance while the Taliban has all sorts of American equipment and economic stimulus, and Iran is apparently weeks away from developing the "bomb," (according to Israeli intelligence, which admittedly may be an Israeli exaggeration) Whether or not Iran uses it, this is a bargaining chip that both Iran and Afghanistan can use to extract all kinds of funding. However much they hate each other, this is too good an opportunity for them both. and Putin and Xi can use it too, who are dancing with delight right now at their new ability to sponsor still more chaos. This is an issue Obama understood that Biden didn't. Whatever Biden thinks, I doubt Biden would have made this a high priority if he didn't want an easy accomplishment he can point to that will satisfy the Left while congress whittles down his domestic ambitions. And all the while he's negotiating with congress about domestic policy, but now that Biden is politically radioactive, our entire domestic agenda is in jeopardy. We're all so bloody sick of Afghanistan, but we've been in Korea for seventy years, Germany and Japan for seventy-five. You don't achieve peace by letting things fall as they may, because if you don't interfere, some other power world ambitions will, and they do it by more war and murder, not less. You achieve peace with vigilance and ONLY with vigilance. 3,500 troops, even 15,000, is not that high a price to pay for soldiers for a mission that at this point is little different from UN peacekeeping troops. It's not forever war, it prevents forever war.
We may have rehabilitated Carter just in time to relive the Carter years....

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