Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Covid restrictions in China do not mean what they mean here.

 If the Chinese covid numbers really and truly are lower than in the US (and occasionally I have my doubts), it's because of China's zero covid policy. The zero covid policy means absolute quarantine. No one is permitted to leave their houses, sometimes including the emergency workers who are supposed to respond, from a date sprang on the population until a date the ban is arbitrarily lifted. Anyone who violates the zero covid policy will be captured on China's billion street cameras and could result in very long term prison terms. Any criticism or record of abusive repression is immediately erased by the government from the internet.

All of this of course is happening while Xi Xinping is consolidating power to become the lifetime dictator of China and is militarizing the country to an unprecedented extent. The Chinese people are at least as scared of war with us as we are of war with them, and yet, where are our anti-war voices? Where is our solidarity? Where are the protests against a power that can abuse and has abused more human rights than any government on earth?
The answer, of course, is nowhere, because that involves admitting that someone can abuse human rights who isn't backed by the US government.

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