Thursday, November 17, 2022

Pelosi Hot Take

 The current fashion to say that 'everybody is replaceable' is so lethally irresponsible. Leadership depends on the efficacy of the person in the position. Most leaders are not capable of doing the job they're charged with. Many people can do the job well, but they usually not the ones who get it. When a person capable of the job is replaced, it's usually because the people replacing her think the job has different requirements from what it has, and the replacement fucks it up. So if we still have a democracy, it's mostly Pelosi's doing. Nobody else could have ever done her job as well. I would have voted her for President in a heartbeat, I would have followed her into battle. She had to do things much harder than great speakers like Rayburn and O'Neill because her majority was always razor thin, she had to keep coalitions together full of people who completely hated everything each other stood for against a monolithic and frankly authoritarian coalition. She still managed to get most things passed in the most impossible political climate anyone can remember.

THAT's leadership.

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