Tuesday, August 8, 2023

More with Istvan Ticoczki, the world's worst novelist

 AC Charlap Tell me about your novelistic project?

Istvan Tococzki: It is 'the Jewish comedy.'
ACC: It's not very funny.
IT: That is where the comedy lies.
ACC: I'm afraid I don't understand.
IT: I wish to convey the entirety of Jewish history as Dante did for the afterlife and Balzac for Paris.
AC: How long have you been working on it?
IT: Seventy years.
AC: How much have you finished.
IT: I have roughly three percent of it complete in rough form.
AC: It sounds exhausting.
IT: I shall complete the rough draft in roughly the year 4823.
AC: You think you will live long enough to complete it?
IT: It does not matter whether I live long enough. The material should be unfinishable.
AC: Why then would people read it?
IT: None read it anyway.
AC: But it isn't published yet.
IT: It's not publishable.
AC: So why write it?
IT: Because one day people will read it.
AC: You just said it isn't publishable.
IT: It will be read, not published.
AC: What does that mean?
IT: I do not know.
AC: Then why do you say it?
IT: Why say anything?
AC: Inquiring minds want to know why you are writing this work.
IT: That would be the first time minds ever inquired into my work.
AC: Well they are now.
IT: No they're not.
AC: That's why we're here.
IT: You're here because your magazine exhausted all other options.
AC: Does that make any difference?
IT: Ultimately no.
AC: So why do you write it?
IT: Because a voice told me to.
AC: A voice? What sort of voice?
IT: How should I know what sort of voice?
AC: Would other people know better than you?
IT: Who knows?
AC: Well then maybe you should tell us so that better informed readers can tell you.
IT: Alright, I was told by God.
AC: .God?
IT: God.
AC: ..God!
IT: God.
AC: ...God?
IT: God.
AC: Why would God tell you to write something?
IT: Why does God do anything?
AC: You really believe God spoke to you?
IT: What else should I believe?
AC: What did he tell you?
IT: That he would dictate a novel to me that reveals the universe's truth.
AC: Has he?
IT: No.
AC: Has he dictated anything to you?
IT: I sometimes think he does. Much of my writing reads to me as though I did not write it.
AC: Does it really?
IT: Many readers agree with me.
AC: Is it possible that they mean...
IT: ...yes they mean it's incoherent, I know.

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