Sunday, September 15, 2024

TCP: Rav Baba ben Buta - Scene 2 Beginning

(Hillel and Shammai knock on the door of a horse stable. Inside they hear overwhelming screaming and cheers.) 

Shammai: Rav Baba? Rebbe Babba?! He doesn't hear us. 

(Shammai opens the stable door. Inside is Rav Babba, looking at a video images of the Nuremberg Rally from Leni Riefenstahl's Triumph of the Will. After three seconds, the images stop.)

Rav Baba: Komm mein kint! Shammai, you've done well. 

Shammai: Not well enough it seems. 

Rav Baba: It is Hashem's will. 

  had his right arm amputated. He's killed one son and thrown the other two in jail; he's about to literally issue an order  killing babies around the country and he still has a bodyguard of 2,000 so no one can stop him.

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